- Maceo
- Let's Go
- Lil Fred
Gwenneth Barth-White lived most of her life in Geneva where she attended the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts (now ESBA College of fine arts) and graduated from the Geneva University of Art and Design. She’s a master pastelist and vice president of the Société des Pastellistes de France (the French Pastel Society), a master pastelist of the Pastel Society of America, and is part of IAPS’s Master Circle. She has also served on the board of the Portrait Society of Canada. She now lives in Florida, teaches summer workshops in France as well as her workshops in the States. Her portrait work is in collections world-wide: her client list includes royalty, leaders of industry, government and diplomacy. She has produced a portrait-in-pastel DVD in French and English. For more information, visit her website at: Gwennethbarth.com